2nd CMC Vellore Spine CME
& Prof GD Sundararaj Oration

Date: 4th November Saturday | Venue: CMC Vellore

CME Programme




8.15 am – 9.30 am


Chairpersons : Dr. Justin Arockiaraj/ Dr. Vidyasagar/ Dr. Prince Solomon

Complications in deformity correction surgery: a comprehensive analysis of 64 cases

Dr. Subhadeep Ghosh

Gait impairment in patients with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy – comparison with age and gender matched healthy controls

Dr. Arun Subramanian

Development, calibration, and validation of a comprehensive customizable lumbar spine FE model for simulating fusion constructs

Mr. Subin George

Radiological and neurological outcomes following anterior reconstruction and fusion through extended posterior approach in patients with Andersson’s lesion

Dr. Aravind V

Outcome of Interlaminar endoscopic discectomy compared with Microlumbar discectomy for lumbar disc herniations

Dr. Susruth Sarang

Computed Tomography guided spinal biopsy – an institutional review of its utility

Dr. Raj Chendur Abhishek

A Hybrid-Layered System for Image-Guided Navigation and Robot-Assisted Spine Surgeries

Mr. Suhail Ansari

Efficacy of unilateral laminectomy and bilateral decompression in lumbar canal stenosis

Dr. Dhinesh

9.30 am – 10.30 am


Chairperson: Dr. K Venkatesh

9.30 am – 9.40 am

C1 C2 Trauma

Dr. V. Ravi

9.40 am – 9.50 am

Subaxial cervical trauma

Dr. Nalli uvaraj

9.50 am – 10.10 am

The Spine in Time

Dr. Michael Fehlings

10.10 am – 10.20 am

Endoscopic decompression in Thoracic OYL

Dr. C. Palani Kumar

10.20 am – 10.30 am

Goal setting in Traumatic Paraplegia

Dr. Judy Ann John

10.30 am – 10.40 am Coffee Break

11.00 am – 1 pm


11.00 am – 11.05 am

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Dr. Rohit Amritanand

11.05 am – 11.10 am



11.10 am – 11.20 am

About Prof Dr GDS

Dr. K. Venkatesh

11.20 am – 11. 25 am

Tribute to Prof GD Sundararaj

Dr. Vinoo M Cherian

11.25 am – 11.30 am

Tribute to Prof GD Sundararaj

Sr. Jayalakshmi

11.30 am – 11.40 am

Introduction to Orator

Dr. Rohit Amritanand

11.40 am – 12.25 pm

Prof GD Sundararaj Oration

Dr. H.S. Chhabra

12.25 pm – 12.30 pm

Directors address & Felicitation of Orator

Dr. Ranjan Jesudasan

12.30pm – 1.30 pm Lunch Break

1.30 pm – 2.30 pm

Case Based Panel Discussion

Moderator : Dr. Kenny S David

Panelists : Dr Nalli, Dr V Ravi, Dr Palani Kumar, Dr Gurusamy Nachimuthu

1.30 pm – 1.45 pm

Cervical Trauma

1.45 pm – 2.00 pm

Upper cervical fractures

2.00 pm – 2.15 pm

Thoraco Lumbar fractures

2.15 pm – 2.30 pm

Lumbar Fractures

2.30 pm – 4.00 pm

Hands on workshop

Moderators: Dr Justin Arockiaraj, Dr. Vijay Alagar and Table Instructors

All faculty

4.00 pm – 4.10 pm

Closing remarks & vote of thanks

Dr. Rohit Amritanand

Evening Tea